Collective-Use Facilities in
Portugal and Spain 1939-1985

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Plano Topográfico Terreno de Colegio Epora

Plano suelto con ubicación de terrenos para Grupo Escolar de EGB en las traseras de las Viviendas Sindicales en Avda. Mateu de Ros [Avda. de Andalucía]. Cópia de plano incluido en el expediente de la Junta de Construcciones, Instalaciones y Equipo Escolar ACEdu 247-2.

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Archive / Library
Type of File
Planos SueltosType of File
Start-End Years
Location Mentioned
Initial Reference
AMM 7504-8


Requester / Benefiter

To quote this work:

Arquitectura Aqui (2024) Plano Topográfico Terreno de Colegio Epora. Accessed on 23/02/2025, in

This work has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme (Grant Agreement No. 949686 - ReARQ.IB) and from Portuguese national funds through FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P., in the cadre of the research project ArchNeed – The Architecture of Need: Community Facilities in Portugal 1945-1985 (PTDC/ART-DAQ/6510/2020).