Collective-Use Facilities in
Portugal and Spain 1939-1985

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Polideportivo San José Permiso Cine

Instancia de Vicente Gisbert Verdú, arrendatario del Parque de Deportes de San José, solicitando permiso para representaciones cinematográficas. 

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Type of File
AdministrativoType of File
Start-End Years
Location Mentioned
Initial Reference
AHML 1148-31


First Date Recorded in File
Last Date Recorded in File
Requester / Benefiter
Architectural Design
Intervention / Assessment
Reading Note

1953.10.06 - Vicente Gisbert Verdú es arrendatario del Parque de Deportes de San José desde 20 de junio de 1953 y solicita emitir espectáculos cinematográficos en el Salón de Gimnasia o Patinaje.

1953.10.19 - La comisión de Obras Públicas, Urbanización y Ensanche del Ayuntamiento de Linares concede el permiso hasta el 15 de mayo. Se hacen obras de adaptación de la Nave de Gimnasia bajo coordinación del arquitecto municipal.

To quote this work:

Arquitectura Aqui (2025) Polideportivo San José Permiso Cine. Accessed on 23/02/2025, in

This work has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme (Grant Agreement No. 949686 - ReARQ.IB) and from Portuguese national funds through FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P., in the cadre of the research project ArchNeed – The Architecture of Need: Community Facilities in Portugal 1945-1985 (PTDC/ART-DAQ/6510/2020).